Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 14, 2023

This Privacy Policy is for TypePick, an App you downloaded from App Store. We don't collect any data ourselves but we may view those provided by App Store

What information does TypePick obtain?

In a nutshell, nothing. We don't collect any data whatsoever. You data live in your device, and information you enter in TypePick is not viewable by anyone other than yourself.

App Analytics

The closest thing we have to viewing your usage data - how many downloads in your country for example - is through a service provided by Apple. We may view insights provided by App Store Connect in the form of App Analytics.

How is the information used?

The insights provided by App Store Connect are in the form of anonymous statistics, and we use this information to make informed decisions on what to improve.

Do third parties have access to this information?

The information belongs to Apple, as we don't collect a single data from you and we don't use any third party analytical tool in TypePick.

TypePick is built without the use of any third party analytical tool

And we didn't build one either. It's safe to say, we are not interested in collecting any sort of data from you as the user.

Your data are pretty much yours

TypePick is not linked nor does it send your data to any private, third party or development server, other than those own by Apple and its services. Your data are yours. When you insert data, information and details while using TypePick, they are saved locally in your device.